Tessa’s Video Story Born with Ea-Tef

If you are a Parent with a child born unable to swallow,

this is

a (Lovely) honest account

from a lady of 24

(when added to this website)

talking openly about being

born unable to Swallow,

in my view

worth watching.

She has a positive outlook

on her life.

Tessa’s Video Story Born with Ea-Tef

6th August 2018




Hey, I’m 24 and was born with TEF/EA short gap. this is a little video I put together about my story and the repercussions I deal with as an adult. It’s really boring but in case anyone wants to hear it thought I would leave it here. ❤️ It gets better!


From Steve, Tessa calls this boring, I played this to myself twice and did not find it boring, it is an honest account, that I for one can relate to, I asked Tessa if I could run this video on this website, and she said yes.


I felt that it might help New Parents, and as this is why Tessa did the video in the first place we thought about putting it here on this website was a better place to be able to reach out to you the Parents of children born unable to swallow.