What Hospital or Doctor is the Best?

Through my work on this Website, I have had many Parents ask me how do I get to Boston USA as its the best for my Child. This may be the case for some that can afford to go, or an insurance company will pay out the huge amounts needed, but what of those families who for some reason can’t find the huge amount needed for the op and after-care?

This fact has concerned me for a while, and as I talk to many many Surgeons across the World I have been asking if I could use their hospitals on this page, I cant list all but a few has to be better than none, I have already done a page called world Hospitals, that you can look at for more info.

What you will find on this page is some of the best that might be closer to you.


One thing has come up, as a topic, this has been about thoracic surgery, it is minimally invasive surgery, now if you’re like me you will be on google now trying to understand what I am talking about. It’s a set of techniques that allow a surgeon to operate through very small incisions. It involves the use of a surgical telescope (a small tube with a camera) and specially-designed instruments. This got my interest and I started to ask more question from the Doctors I had come to know. I then started to understand that a surgeon also may use computers and high-resolution video cameras. I have already done a page on this, the link is under here, this method is way faster and cheaper, and this Surgeon in my view has to be at the top of his game.

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Children. When you want your child to be better, faster.

For every surgical patient (including newborns), our first question is always, “Can we use minimally invasive techniques to improve his/her immediate and long-term results?”

The minimally invasive surgery (MIS) program at RMHC offers new options for exceptional care, reduced pain, lower complications and a faster return to normal activity.

Minimally invasive is a term used to describe a way to perform many types of surgery. Our team utilizes advancements in technology and technique, many of which were pioneered by RMHC surgeons and now used worldwide, to successfully treat your child in the manner least disruptive to the body – meaning lower rates of complication, faster recovery, and reduced scarring.


Mary Greeley Medical Center, which opened in 1916, was a gift to the city of Ames from Captain Wallace Greeley. Today, Mary Greeley continues to be city-operated but governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The hospital is not tax supported. Rather, expenses are covered by hospital-generated revenue. As a non-profit medical center, our revenues go back into the operation of the hospital, leading to better facilities, better technology, and better-trained staff to provide excellent patient care.


Welcome to King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre – Jeddah, a tertiary care Hospital located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


This Recommendation came from a World Leading and well respected USA Surgeon

“The best for very complicated esophageal disorders and TEFs is probably Dan von allmen at Cincinnati Children’s”

This comes from my own Chat with Mr. Von Allmen.

“I am very fortunate to work with incredible colleagues in GI, ENT, and pulmonary” Dan

Daniel von Allmen, MD

Daniel von Allmen, MD, came to Cincinnati from Chapel Hill, NC where he was the surgeon-in-chief and division chief at the North Carolina Children’s Hospital.

Dr. von Allmen completed his general surgery training at the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. He is currently the treasurer of the American Pediatric Surgery Association. He also serves as the secretary-treasurer of the Association of Pediatric Surgery Program Directors and is an active member of the Children’s Oncology Group.

Dr. von Allmen’s special clinical interests include pediatric surgical oncology, pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, surgical innovation, and surgical robotics.

von Allmen D, Wijnen RM. Bridging the gap in the repair of long-gap esophageal atresia: still questions on diagnostics and treatment. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2015;25(4):312-317.

Daniel von Allmen, MD

Professor of Surgery


Senior Vice President Surgical  Services

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

MLC 2023, 3333 Burnet Ave

Cincinnati, OH 54229

513 636-4371

513 636-7657 (fax)



The Pediatric Surgery service at MassGeneral Hospital for Children is an international referral center for the complete spectrum of general and thoracic pediatric and neonatal surgical services. The Pediatric Surgery service at MassGeneral Hospital for Children is an international referral center for the complete spectrum of general and thoracic pediatric and neonatal surgical services.

With more than 300 physicians, 50 medical specialties, 15 surgical services, and compassionate preventive and primary care, we are an invaluable resource for the health-care needs of infants, children, and adolescents.

At MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC) we have the expertise and experience—as well as the state-of-the-art facilities and technologies — to provide exceptional care for our patients.

Our patients have complete access to the resources of world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital, including innovative research and treatments. As our patients grow, they also benefit from the smooth transition of care between pediatric and adult services at Mass General.

For more info click the links below




Dr. Kariadi is a Technical Unit / Technical Implementation Unit under and responsible to the Director General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on Minister of Health Decree No. 1243 / Menkes / SK / VIII / 2005 has been established as a Public Service Agency (BLU), by applying the flexibility of financial management as mandated in PP No.23 of 2005.

Dr. Kariadi Semarang is the largest hospital and serves as a referral hospital for Central Java. Currently, Drs. Kariadi is a Class A Hospital of Education and serves as an Education Hospital for doctors, specialists, and sub-specialists from FK UNDIP, and other Education Institutions as well as other health workers.

The main task of Dr. Kariadi is organizing healing and recovery efforts that are harmoniously integrated, integrated and sustainable with efforts to improve health and prevention and implement referral efforts and other efforts as needed. Dr. Kariadi as a type A Education Vertical Hospital, also performs the following functions:


Masuk Rumah Sakit langsung ditangani dengan cepat di UGD. Pelayanan perawat sangat cooperative, karena saya takut dengan infus, tapi perawat sangat melayani dengan baik sehingga saat diinfus tidak sakit. Penanganan sangat cepat dan itu yang membedakan dengan pelayanan di Rumah Sakit lain. Semua karyawannya ramah tamah, dan dokternya yang sangat cooperative. Saya bangga di Semarang ada Rumah Sakit yang dokter maupun penanganannya canggih. Saya akan rekomendasikan RS Kariadi ke teman-teman dan saudara-saudara. Rawat Inap di RS Kariadi adalah pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan.

Hospital admission is immediately handled quickly in the ER. The nurse service is very cooperative because I am afraid of the infusion, but the nurse is very well served so that when infused not sick. Handling is very fast and that’s what distinguishes the service at other hospitals. All of his employees are hospitable, and his doctors are very cooperative. I am proud in Semarang there is a hospital that doctors and handling sophisticated. I would recommend Kariadi Hospital to my friends and relatives. Hospitalization in Kariadi Hospital is an unforgettable experience.


It is a Government supported tertiary level public hospital for children 650 beds.

A few months after the liberation of Bangladesh, in March 1972, Dhaka Shishu (Children) hospital, the only children hospital in the country was established. With the help of a few voluntary organizations and the Government of Bangladesh, it first started its services in a private house at Dhanmondi, Dhaka with 50 indoor beds. The out-patient department (OPD) of the hospital started in a tent in the nearby area of Sukrabad, Dhaka at the same time. Consistent financial support was received initially from the “Save the Children Fund in the UK” and later on from the “World Vision, Bangladesh”.

December 1974 National Economic Council (NEC) of Bangladesh chaired by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the then Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, approved a scheme to construct a 250-bed children hospital expandable to 500 beds. Subsequently, in March 1975, with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh, the site of the project was transferred to the present location at Sher-e-Barigla Nagar, Shyamoli, Dhaka.


Nuestro principal objetivo es el de prestar servicios quirúrgicos de excelencia en cirugía pediátrica de alta complejidad y mínimamente invasivos.


Our main objective is to provide surgical services of excellence in pediatric surgery of high complexity and minimally invasive.

Of the most worrisome situations has been the deterioration of the quality of preventive care, surgical and rehabilitative medicine of Colombian children, especially those of lower income, violating and contradicting the rights of children who pray in the declaration of the World Medical Association , given mainly by a chain of events that started from the low tabulation in units of value relative to the events that concern the attention of children, call pediatric consultations, pediatric surgeries, pediatric hospital care, etc. that rest in the tariff manuals imposed by the government and that in the last 20 years have remained with the same values.

Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения Ставропольского края Краевая детская клиническая больница

State budgetary health care institution of the Stavropol Territory Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Краевая детская больница в городе Ставрополе впервые была открыта в 1957 году всего на 60 коек в двух ветхих зданиях на улице Ленина и Ломоносова. На основании приказа Ставропольского краевого отдела здравоохранения от 11 декабря 1964 года № 173 с первого октября 1965 года краевая детская больница была закрыта и переведена на баланс краевой клинической больницы детским отделением. К 1970 году в городе Ставрополе сложилась сложная ситуация, связанная с отсутствием специализированных детских отделений и нехваткой детских соматических коек. Имели место случаи отказов в госпитализации даже тяжелобольных детей. В этот момент бюро Ставропольского горкома КПСС и исполкома Ставропольского городского Совета депутатов трудящихся своим постановлением от 05 июля 1975 года № 462 приняло решение о начале строительства детской краевой больницы на 300 коек с консультативной поликлиникой.

Работы по строительству были начаты в 1976 году. В 1982 году здание краевой детской клинической больницы было построено. 30 декабря 1982 года был составлен акт государственной комиссии по приемке в эксплуатацию законченного строительством комплекса краевой детской многопрофильной больницы на 300 коек с поликлиникой на 500 посещений по адресу г. Ставрополь, ул. Семашко.


Head of Department

Professor Sergey V. Minaev supports this Website and why it was set up.

Professor Sergey V. Minaev, MD, PhD

Head of Department of Pediatric Surgery

Stavropol State Medical University, Russia


1978 — 1988 Secondary school, Stavropol, Russia

1988 — 1994 The faculty of Pediatrics, Stavropol State Medical Institute, Stavropol, Russia

9/1/1994 — 9/1/1996 The clinical internship of Pediatric Surgery, Stavropol State Medical Academy, Stavropol, Russia

10/1/1996 — 6/30/1998 Post-graduated student, Pediatric Oncology Research Institute, Moscow, Russia.



The regional children’s hospital in the city of Stavropol was first opened in 1957 for only 60 beds in two ramshackle buildings on Lenin Street and Lomonosov. On the basis of the order of the Stavropol Regional Health Department of December 11, 1964, No. 173, since October 1, 1965, the regional children’s hospital was closed and transferred to the balance of the regional clinical hospital by the children’s department. In accordance with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR on January 31, 1983, the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital became an independent multidisciplinary medical and preventive institution providing qualified inpatient and consultative out-patient medical care to the children of the region, the center of organizational and methodological guidance of children’s medical and preventive institutions, the basis of specialization and advanced training of doctors and medical professionals.

Came from A Parent of a Child Born Unable to swallow

Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom Chirurgicznie Chorym jest organizacją pożytku publicznego, powołaną do życia w 1989 roku aby poprawić warunki leczenia dzieci chirurgicznie chorych. Gdańsk jest jednym z niewielu miast akademickich w Polsce bez specjalistycznego szpitala dziecięcego. Warunki leczenia chirurgicznie chorych dzieci są szczególnie trudne. Mimo wszystkich niedogodności, rocznie leczonych jest w warunkach szpitalnych ponad dwa tysiące dzieci, z czego ponad tysiąc osiemset zostaje poddanych leczeniu operacyjnemu.

The Association for Helping Surgically Ill Children is a public benefit organization established in 1989 to improve the treatment conditions for surgically ill children. Gdańsk is one of the few academic cities in Poland without a specialized children’s hospital. The conditions for treating surgically ill children are particularly difficult. Despite all the inconveniences, more than two thousand children are treated in hospital every year, of which more than 1,800 are subjected to surgical treatment.


The Date this Happened was 8th-Feb-2019

Follow the Banner link to the Team who did this.