Meet the team working to help families around the world understand what being born unable to swallow is – Ea-tef and Ao-Tof

This website makes no money, anything it receives, goes towards posting out logos to Families around the world

The Team

Stephen Wyles Born in England in 1962 unable to swallow, it was his late Nan that gave him money in her will, to go change the world, having reached 42 and never meet anyone like he was, he set out to change that, and so this website was born in 2013.

Over the following years it has been Endorsed by Surgeons, named on 3 USA medical papers, two where Stephen was named as co Author, and can be seen on this site. Stephen holds awards from England’s Royal Family to, and worked with the CDCN and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, as seen on front page of this site.

Stephen had a friend over in the USA born like him, Chris Paul, but Chris had to go into hospital, because he could not swallow, he later died of this.

So Chris Paul’s Wife, Sue Paul asked to join the team and work with Stephen, Sue also now holds two USA medical papers as Co Author and named on a 3rd

After starting their own Facebook group, a Mum ( Madzia Fraszczyk) asked to join the team, her son is an amazing ballroom dancer as seen on this site, tube fed.

Our Graphics guy, Simon llett, is a Friend of Stephens, he charges nothing to do our designs seen on this site, and allows us to post out free as seen on site.

Our newest team member is, Brad Bridgeman born 1959, from Canada, born unable to swallow. Joined 2023

It must be noted to, that Stephen Wyles pays from his own pocket to have things made and posted out across our world to help bring about hope and awareness for these Children born like himself.

Our Team would also like to thank the firm that built this site, as they pay all the running costs of this site, Madison Web Solutions, who have been with Stephen Wyles from the start.

Click here to see more about this amazing firm.