Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
Over the past few months, I have been thinking about something regarding children born with Tracheomalacia and respiratory complications with the condition Esophageal Atresia, known to many as Ea-Tef or Tof-oa, most Parents talk about going to the USA to be treated, but for those that do not live close then the area to cover to get there is made greater, but what if you can not find the huge amount of money to reach the USA?
So over the past few months, I have been looking for a team in Europe, asking questions of other Surgeons I talk to, once I had a name I then went looking, there are many Hospitals that cover all aspects of this born unable to swallow condition, but I was looking for a team outside my homeland of England, and one that specialized in Tracheomalacia and respiratory complications.
Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
Pediatric surgery activity at Gaslini Institute encompasses all the fields of neonatal, pediatric and adolescent surgical treatment of thoracic, abdominal, genital, urinary anomalies.
We have a Pediatric Thoracic and Airway Unit, for the treatment of many complex conditions, among them:
Esophageal atresia and respiratory complications:
tracheomalacia, recurrent fistula, esophageal replacement, vocal cord palsy, laryngotracheal cleft. Our airway team is able to follow up on the respiratory condition of the patients born with esophageal atresia (who are at risk of developing irreversible lung damage if not treated properly) and if necessary to treat endoscopically or with an open approach all these anomalies.
In particular for severe tracheomalacia we have been offering our patients thoracoscopic posterior tracheopexy, aortopexy, or both, depending on the type of tracheomalacia.

Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
We have now the possibility to offer robotic posterior tracheopexy.
Complex laryngotracheal congenital and acquired anomalies (laryngotracheal stenosis, malacia, cleft, webs, etc.):
The endoscopic or open surgical approach, with multidisciplinary team care.
Lung malformations: thoracoscopic or robotic approach.
Treatment of complex chest wall anomalies (pectus excavatum, carinatum, Poland syndrome, Jeune syndrome, etc.)
Please contact Dr. Michele Torre, head of Pediatric Thoracic and Airway Surgery
Unit: [email protected]
He will answer on the same day
Michele Torre
Area Aggregazione – Mamma Bambino
Responsabile U.O.S.D. Team Interdipartimentale delle Vie Aeree
IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Via Gerolamo Gaslini 5, 16147 Genova

Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
Genova. IRCCS Gaslini is a recognized center of excellence in open classical and minimally invasive pediatric surgery, even for rare and complex cases. After three years of study and experimentation, on the occasion of the Day of the Sick 2020, the “Center of Robotic Pediatric Surgery” is activated in the Genoese Institute through the installation of the system called “DaVinci robot”. Gaslini is, therefore, the only Italian pediatric hospital to have a pediatric robotics center and where the DaVinci system is present: a technology that improves the surgical act by minimally invasive, reducing traumatism and increasing technical precision and therefore the quality of care, always under the direct supervision of the surgeon.
The inauguration was attended by the president of the Liguria region Giovanni Toti and the vice president and counselor for health Sonia Viale, with Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco , archbishop of Genoa, together with the summits of the Institute and the Gaslini Foundation and the Querci Foundation.
“Today is an important day – says the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti – which confirms the extraordinary level of therapies and assistance guaranteed in this pediatric hospital, a reference point not only in Liguria and in Italy but also abroad and we are proud of. Technological innovation is today a fundamental aspect of our healthcare, including pediatric as evidenced by the choice to install this cutting-edge equipment at Gaslini, which aims to become the first Italian center for research and teaching related to the use of this technology. “.
“This inauguration represents a goal achieved but it is also a starting point – highlighted the vice president and councilor for Health Sonia Viale – for the future development of research in the field of pediatric surgery in Italy, thanks to the high professionalism of all the staff who works in this hospital. At the center of each choice is the person, in this case, the little patient, who is offered the best possible care, also in terms of technology “.
“Today we achieve an important goal for the future of the hospital, through the development of pediatric robotic surgery which is aimed at strengthening the quality of care and improving the path of the pediatric patient,” says President Pietro Pongiglione with satisfaction.
“The child who needs surgery has the same rights to be subjected to the best possible treatment of an adult patient: therefore to be treated at the highest technological level but in the most suitable environment possible, by experts who daily work continuously with these too technologies, where medical-nursing assistance is specifically pediatric and integrated (Family-Centered Care), relying on the presence of all specific specialist skills and on the highest quality of care and safety for young patients. This means centralizing activities in a context of continuity and pediatric specificity: this is the rationale for having installed the robotic surgical system in the pediatric hospital, guaranteeing maximum quality for small surgical patients “,Paolo Petralia . “But not only: the three-year experimentation carried out to date has shown how the research and permanent teaching activity that takes place in the university and scientific environment of the university IRCCS Gaslini enhances and radiates the benefits of this approach in the medical community, which find raison d’etre in this multidimensional strategic perspective, in close integration with the regional system and in collaboration with the Academy, the scientific societies and with those who develop technology in the sector “.
In this sense AB Medica Intuitive is not only the supplier of the robot but contributes to the development of a minimally invasive robotic surgery operating room, dedicated to pediatric surgery training courses, also contributing to the development of a training and clinical research center at the Gaslini at an international level, where to centralize the teaching and testing of pediatric robotics.
The acquisition of this instrumentation – made possible by the availability of ministerial funds – and its management – as part of a program of innovation and regional development, including scientific and educational – is part of the constitution of a specific center of international importance, supported with a specific project by the Gaslini and Querci Foundations, and represents a fundamental strategic choice: to become a reference center for training and clinical research in the field of high-level robotic surgery and specialization.
“We want to grow to move from laparoscopic / thoracoscopy to robotics, increasing the number of surgeons experienced in the technique and developing new skills by moving from open complex surgery to minimally invasive robot-assisted, with the progressive extension of indications to the use of technology (surgery oncological, thoracic, digestive malformation, urological, transoral ENT, gynecological, neurosurgical, vertebral). We want to increase, through targeted training courses and thanks to the rapidity of the learning curves of the robotic technique, the number of professionals with specific skills in minimally invasive surgery, thus being able to offer better surgery to more children inside and outside the Institute. Raffaele Spiazzi.
“Acquiring the Da Vinci system means being able to work with a technology that improves the physical performance of the surgeon without replacing it: since it is not artificial intelligence, it does not perform actions on its own and does not decide anything. The system “simply” improves the physician’s physical performance, does not perform actions independently but, always under the direct control of the surgeon, helps him “physically” to seek the perfection of the act, reducing tremors, improving eyesight, avoiding errors precision and aim. Through the use of robotics, we can increase the use of minimally invasive surgery and further improve the quality of the results, reducing the psycho-physical traumatism linked to the intervention (pain, hospitalization),Girolamo Mattioli , director of the UOC Pediatric Surgery of Gaslini and of the University Specialization School, which was entrusted with the coordination of the Pediatric Robotic Surgery Center.

Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
Articolo operazione trachea paziente russa Corriere Mercantile
Exateriana operata e salvata al Gaslini – Il Secolo XIX
Gaslini la nuova trachea salva una bimba russa Il Giornale
Gaslini nuova trachea per bimba russa La Repubblica
This is the way forward and this means less time spent in hospital
Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia
” Acquiring the Vinci System means being able to work with a technology that improves the physical performance of the surgeon without replacing it: not because of artificial intelligence, it does not perform actions alone and does not decide anything.
The System, ” simply “, improves the physical performance of the clinical, does not do actions independently but, always under the direct control of the surgeon, helps it ” physically ” to seek the perfection of the act, reducing tremors, improving the view, avoiding mistakes Precision and mira.
Through the use of robotics, we can increase the use of mini-invasive surgery and further improve the quality of results, reducing the psycho-physical injury related to the intervention (pain, hospitalization), with a significant increase in the satisfaction of the little patient (less trauma Best Results) ” explains prof. Girolamo Mattioli, director of the pediatric surgery of gaslini and university specialization school, to which the coordination of the pediatric robotic surgery center was entrusted.
Gaslini Childrens Hospital Tracheomalacia-Respiratory-Complications-Esophageal Atresia