In life, we find it much easier when we have the right tools
for the job at hand.
This page is for ideas you the Parents feel have helped
you on your path of care for your loved ones.
Sometimes sharing what we find works for us
with others allows knowledge to travel.
An Idea from the NHS
It is Free to
Stop Look Care Booklet
The Stop Look Care booklet Download Stop Look Care booklet 310117.pdf(3.96 MB)has been designed to support Care Workers/Carers who work in any registered service in Brighton & Hove. It is aimed to support carers with undertaking the National Care Certificate. Alternatively, it can be used as a reference guide for families and personal assistants to promote awareness of certain needs and encourage referral if concerns are identified.
Care workers and Carers are in the ideal position to recognise changes in an individual’s condition by monitoring them and or recognising any deterioration in a person’s wellbeing, this book aims to increase awareness and supports the Care Worker/Carer to refer on when appropriate. It highlights:
Why different aspects of observation and care are important
What to look for
What action to take
End of Life Care
Children and Young People
Long-Term Conditions
Sexual Health and Family Planning
Health Support for Trans People
Patient Transport Service
Patient Support Groups
Non invasive prevention and treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy & Diabetic Macular Oedema
The Noctura 400 Sleep Mask from PolyPhotonix is a revolutionary treatment for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema (DMO). See the steps below or click the play icon to watch the video and learn what effect retinopathy has on the eye and how non-invasive treatment can help.
When you have diabetes, high blood glucose levels and circulation problems can cause changes to the blood vessels in the eyes and lead to diabetic retinopathy.
When it is dark and you are asleep, the eyes need more oxygen.
In the diabetic eye, the retina can become starved of oxygen
The eye tries to produce new blood vessels to deliver more oxygen to the retina
These new blood vessels are often weak, leak fluid and blood, which affects vision and could lead to total sight loss if left untreated
The Noctura 400 Sleep Mask is an innovative technology, which can be used as a therapy for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema.
The mask administers a precise low-level light through closed eyelids while you sleep, to reduce oxygen demand
Common Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy can develop for years without any symptoms. However, you may experience:
NOW AVAILABLE – LIMITED STOCK Pop sockets and can koozies are now available for purchase and will be benefitting a family with EA/TEF. Pop sockets are $8 and can koozies are $5 plus shipping. Currently only shipping to the US. Need help? Now taking applications to be the beneficiary of this charity. Please send an email to telling us why you should be chosen and how you would like to use the donations.
The link on banner with take you to the order page which looks like below.
The Ideas From a Mother of a TEF Child in USA
Cooler Can Holders and the clip that goes on rear of ipad or phone